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From time to time I find that my office desk is littered with notes and scraps of paper from things I have written or ideas that I have had about one subject or another. There is usually no apparent cohesion to these notes and I'm always tempted to just brush them off into the waste basket. But every now and then my eye catches something on a scrap of paper or note that causes a bell to go off in my head and I pick it up for a closer look. And then I spot another and another and another and suddenly a story idea is born right there in the confines of my mind. That's when I ask myself the question: where to begin? And so after assembling these notes into some sort of cohesive outline in my mind I begin to write. |
Very seldom does the entire story suddenly flow onto the paper. There are many many road blocks along the way; many detours that I have to take before feeling comfortable with the main outline. A plot must be developed, characters must be developed, place time and setting come together slowly. Just getting to this point usually takes a considerable amount of time. |
But then the story begins to flow. Patience and determination are then the ruling factors that govern the story development. |
This is my story of how I go about writing a fiction story. It's never easy but is always fun. |